Published 2021, supplemented 2022.
For the 21st century there are extremely different forecasts from the most varied of social circles.
On the one hand, we humans look enthusiastically at the possibilities of Industry 4.0 with its unimagined, almost limitless possibilities:
Autonomous driving with electric cars is already being tested and is set to become established worldwide soon.
Thanks to the Internet, everyone has access to the collective knowledge of mankind and can live out their creativity to the full thanks to networked technology.
The quantum computer promises unforeseeable new developments that will change our lives.
What seems unthinkable today is becoming reality. For example, anyone who wants to be considered something in the second half of the 21st century will have to have flown around the moon as a tourist - the first have already booked their trip in 2017 (3) - or even been to Mars.
Only computer freaks can imagine what "artificial intelligence" (AI), in my opinion the epitome of anti-spiritual, materialistic thinking, will achieve. Except perhaps for Vladimir Putin, the President of the Russian Federation. He predicts that AI is the "future of humanity" and that the "leader in this field" will become the "master of the world". (4).
At the same time, however, a multitude of problems are mentioned that make some scientists doubt that our civilization can survive the 21st century[i]:
Species extinction; unemployment; bad governance and corruption in many states, not only in the third world; population explosion; soil destruction; civil wars; drug-related crime; drought; deforestation; epidemics; global warming; deliberate misinformation; financial collapse; climate change; wars; organized crime; mass migration; rising sea levels; natural disasters; natural destruction; resource depletion; failed states; terrorism; over-indebtedness; environmental poisoning; water shortages in many regions; etc.
In addition, there is the Corona crisis, which rigorously exposes weaknesses in politics, the economy and the social systems and forces reflection.
If there should be more serious crises, a collapse of large states or even the world economy is to be feared. Discussions will then break out that call into question the entire economic and social system of today, including democracy. In this case, the end of “party democracy” is predicted[ii].
"It is my conviction that our party-state is characterized by both power-obsessed with winning elections and power-forgetful in carrying out the task of political leadership"
(According to Wikipedia)
Federal President Richard v. Weizsäcker, 1992, (1920-2015).
But what's next?
We do not need to discuss socialist dictatorships as an alternative. So far these have regularly ended in mismanagement, violence and chaos. (See. "The intelligence ticks left"Under" Economy and Social Affairs ").
But what should a better system for a “fairer” world look like?
Have been special for some time two models of society compared:
Patriarchy or matriarchy
as Patriarchy (Rule of the fathers) is the name of our current social system. A manorial model, male-dominated, hierarchical, authoritarian, violent, oppressive. Women are devalued or even suppressed and wars are waged. Patriarchal forms of rule with clear leadership structures have dominated the world for thousands of years. Even often in our time; despite all half-hearted commitments to feminism, freedom, peace, equal rights, participation and democracy.
In most religions, too, the strict, masculine, warlike God dominates: the jealous Yahweh of the Old Testament, the lightning-throwing Zeus, the hammer-wielding Thor, etc.
Jesus announced the “loving Father in Heaven”, but Christianity could not detach itself from the threatening backdrop of the Old Testament and wanted to discipline the believers with fear of hell and the threat of damnation at the “Last Judgment”.
The world's dominant Abrahamic religions (Judaism, Christianity, Islam) are also strictly patriarchal and authoritarian in structure. Even today, dissenters in some countries are only grudgingly tolerated or even persecuted.
So far, no religion has been able to live up to its claim of spiritual or even divine guidance.
The contrast, so importantly taken up to now, between Capitalism and Socialism, both of which profess patriarchy, loses its significance. Both are, after all, drives from the same anti-spiritual root, materialism, which in all probability will not last in its present, inhuman and anti-God form.
That matriarchy (Rule of the mothers) offers a counter-model. The word matriarchy gives rise to the idea of a similarly rigorous rule as it is denounced in patriarchy - this time by women. What is meant by this is a spiritually oriented partnership model with gender equality, which is primarily based on the principle of commitment and consensus, but not on the hierarchy that is so important in patriarchy (5, p. 20).
In matriarchy, the Stone Age "Great Mother" was worshiped as a goddess who was often accompanied by a male partner. A deity similar to the “Great Mother” can also be found in later religions with the names Isis, Diana, Freia, Queen of Heaven. Also in the first Jewish temple there was a statue of a female deity - the Asherah[iii] - and even in misogynist Islam Mary is respected as the mother of Jesus.
Thousands of years ago, matriarchy was supposedly widespread, e.g. B. in old Europe, or on Crete, until it succumbed to violent, warlike intruders. These attackers were structured in an authoritarian manner, geared towards combat and robbery, had horse-drawn chariots, and were better organized and armed.
Echoes of matriarchy can be found or were to be found in small groups for a long time: in medieval village communities, with indigenous peoples such as the Iroquois in North America, special religious communities, self-governing groups such as still in revolutionary Spain (6, p. 445) or, to this day, the Mosuo in China . Such a society could hardly survive against the overwhelming power of the patriarchy and it is denied that there was a matriarchal high culture.
According to (feminist) scientists like Marija Gimbutas (1921-1994), matriarchy can serve us as a model for a peaceful society of balance, living in harmony between man and nature. (Cf. "The cult of the great mother" under "History of Religion.
The majority of the (mostly male) archaeologists and historians doubt the correctness of the friendly image of matriarchal cultures conveyed and cannot believe that a vanished Neolithic (Neolithic) civilization, about which we know little, can be a model for our highly complex, high-tech society. They also point out that in the well-known story in the struggle for leadership positions - in whatever system - people of power have regularly prevailed. Often enough those with base motives, serious ethical deficiencies and without spiritual models.
As a modern further development of the Stone Age matriarchy, one can see that propagated by the UN Gender mainstreaming[iv] to understand. Under the pretext of complete equality between the sexes, a restructuring of the world society, which is to be largely unified in the course of globalization, is planned[v]. Should such a uniform, easily steerable (or manipulable?) Population mix emerge? The gradual realization of this utopia has in some countries, e. B. in Germany, already started.
I myself cannot and do not want to get involved in this dispute about patriarchy, matriarchy and gender mainstreaming. But I wonder how the future can be shaped.
A Social model of the future requires a generally accepted basis.
For much of the history we know, it was a religion that shaped the models, and for most of the time, religious precepts and earthly laws were largely identical. In Islamic countries e.g. T. still today.
It was not until the 18th century that Enlightenment philosophy provided a theory of the state that could compete with religious models of rule. In this way, especially as a result of the American and French revolutions, “enlightened” constitutions on a philosophical basis emerged with no real reference to the transcendent.
All too obviously religions and “rulers by the grace of God” had run out of steam, and the philosophy of the state - no longer the religion that was supposed to teach God's laws - had to provide the earthly basis for constitutional law. The societies, which were only held together with difficulty by religions, split, and the triumphant advance of materialism began.
Democracy, which is hailed as the solution to all political problems, has brought the alleged “democrats” into disrepute in many countries. Through failures, corruption, mismanagement, news manipulation, party rule, propaganda lies, buying votes, over-indebtedness, the suppression of dissenters and election fraud, democracy has lost a lot of its reputation worldwide.
(Cf. "Economic crisis and world conspiracy"Under" Economy and Social Affairs ").
There are also often too many competing, sometimes even hostile parties with contradictory, ideologically charged programs that do not allow for a common national goal[vi]. Our rainbow society is tattered into many, sometimes extremist groups, and the politicians do not know how to give in to the numerous, often incompatible demands so far that they can still capture their representatives as voters.
More and more people are realizing that no political or social system can be better than the people who carry it and have to implement it. Ultimately, it is always the individual people who act ethically and have a constructive effect within the given conditions. We dream in vain of an automatism (e.g. democracy) that inevitably leads to good solutions.
After the well-known religions have consistently failed in their mission to ethically promote humanity, the philosophers have provided little useful news since the Enlightenment, and materialistic turbo-capitalism is in the process of destroying the earth with scientific-technical means, a new, a transcendent foundation is created wanted, on which a real structure is possible.
M. In my opinion, a spiritual path must be found, but this is difficult to convey to the majority of people who like to demand the maximum amount of good deeds and do not want to see the need for personal contribution, consideration and limitation. Quite apart from the fact that the true path is only a more spiritual Can be a path that is a pipe dream for materialists.
What does the Grail Message say?
In the hereafter, where the human spirits are separated according to their uniformity, there is presumably a clear, spiritual hierarchy, and no reasonable human spirit will oppose such a natural order of creation.
But this order can be applied to the today transferred to earthly conditions?
One mentally There is no well-founded hierarchy on earth, and I am not aware of any education or training that can integrate people after their spiritual maturity. Quite apart from the fact that in the current world dominated by materialism, which cannot distinguish between spirit and understanding, the demand for spiritual guidance can hope for little understanding anyway. In addition, every leader on earth needs not only his necessary spiritual quality but also the indispensable earthly qualification. (Except for a political career, where you don't have to be able to do anything but chatter. The achievements of such lay actors are then also corresponding [vii].)
For those who profess the Grail Message, the answer seems obvious: Only the teaching of Abd-ru-shin (1) can provide the indispensable spiritual basis for the construction of an earthly society according to the laws of creation.
Many will now expect a program comparable to the demands of the Enlightenment philosophers. Such a program must then be cast in paragraphs and codified as constitutional law.
But that's right now not the spiritual path. Because conditions change, rigid definitions are inanimate, and what may seem almost natural and logical today can become a heavy burden[viii].
We cannot hope for much more than the correctly understood Ten Commandments (2) and the eternal laws of creation (1) denied to us as guidelines.
A spiritual path always begins with the individual with the internalization of the knowledge of creation. The words of the messenger of light not only have to be heard, they have to be implemented, our inner feelings (not feelings) have to glow and connect to helping creative forces that are strong enough to reshape our subtle environment.
Added to this is the necessary awareness that everyone - including every leader - is responsible for all its decisions the spiritual and the earthly must take responsibility. There is no hiding behind paragraphs or an internal morality in the order of creation! Whether we want to admit this or not has no influence on the inescapable laws of God.
Then such a person who has become “new”, guided by his pure feeling, will be able to find the right path with all problems. If complications arise - which are never entirely avoidable on earth - then the human spirit, humbly open to the higher, can hope for light help that will guide and promote it.
Anyone who has recognized the value of the message from the Holy Grail must therefore start with themselves. Waiting for foreign activities or hoped for light events is synonymous with stagnation and decline. Only one's own spiritual movement can generate real progress and make true ascent possible.
Successes and setbacks will then show to what extent the right path has been found. When in doubt, the word of Jesus applies: "By their fruits you shall know them" (Matth. 7,16).
If many go this way to the light, then a spiritual impulse arises, which can change some things, pull along well-wishers and perhaps move even materialistically thinking doubters to the reflection.
When do we start?
(1) Abd-ru-shin, "In the light of truth" (book review), Grail Embassy Foundation, Stuttgart.
(2) Abd-ru-shin, "The Ten Commandments of God and the Lord's Prayer", Grail Message Foundation, Stuttgart.
(3) Der Spiegel, No. 49a, 2017, page 167; and Der Spiegel No. 49, 2018, page 82 f. The first tourist space flight actually took place in September 2021, but not as far as the moon.
(4) Der Spiegel, No. 46, 2018, page 67.
(5) Eisler Riane, Kelch und Schwert, Goldmann, 1987.
[i] Paul R. Ehrlich (born 1932), who has been warning of the population explosion since 1968 ("The Population Bomb") gives our civilization only one 10% chance of surviving the 21st century.
[iii] In case you search in vain for the “Asherah” in your Bible: The “Asherah picture” (Luther) has become a “cult stake” in the standard translation.
[v], orderly_and_regulre_migration.
[vi] In the election to the German Bundestag in 2021, 47 parties want to run.
[vii] If you watch what some "politicians" put us through in parliamentary debates and party meetings, even when it comes to important government decisions, you need not be surprised if every better high school graduate thinks they are smarter than the university dropouts in parliament. Our party democracy is obviously not well suited to bringing qualified leaders to top positions. (Cf. endnote [ii]).
The report "The Flood - Chronicle of a Failure", broadcast on July 13, 2022, 8:15 p.m. on ARD's 1st program, is a perfect example of this.
[viii] Law and rights inherit
Away like an eternal disease;
They drag themselves from sex to sex
And move gently from place to place.
Reason becomes nonsense, benevolence a plague;
Woe to you that you are a grandson!
Of the right that is commanded with us,
Unfortunately, that is never the question.
(Goethe, "Faust" first part, study).