Jeffrey Sachs, a refined privatizer? (Published in GralsWelt 40/2006) Jeffrey D. Sachs “The End of Poverty”, Siedler München, 2005. Jeffrey D. Sachs is one of the world's best-known economists. His career is extraordinary. At the age of 28 he was one of the youngest Harward professors. Then he advised governments of several states, and Kofi Anam, the UN Secretary General, appointed him [...]
Category: Book and film reviews
The Templars
(Published in GralsWelt 45/2007) By Barber Malcolm, Artemis & Winkler, Düsseldorf 2005. In GrailWelt we have mentioned the Knights Templar several times. Many books and writings - historically correct, esoteric, fantastic, romantic - deal with the history and myth of the Templars, about whose work and decline there are many legends. Recently, [...]
(Published in GralsWelt 40/2006) By Helmut Hansen, Verlag Via Nova, 36100 Petersberg. The present book has a surprising title, which at first suggests highly esoteric explanations full of transcendent speculations. Then you are pleasantly surprised when reading it, because it is a thoroughly factual work that is worth reading. First of all, [...]
The SK principle
(Published in GralsWelt 36/2005) by Erich Visotschnig / Siegfried Schrotta Carl Ueberreuter, Vienna, 2005 When I came across this book for a review, I thought: “Again one of those advisors, which are sometimes very funny, occasionally even interesting ideas that can hardly be put into practice. "Then the surprise: I hold the book [...]
(Published in GralsWelt 35/2005) Even those who hardly know Bavarian history can at least name the name of a King of Bavaria: Ludwig II, about whom there is always something new to tell. Before this article turns to this, a brief look at other rulers of the Bavarian Kingdom, whose short existence, compared to the long [...]
Apocalypse no!
(Published in GralsWelt 34/2004) By Bjorn Lomborg, to Klampen Verlag, Hamburg, 2002. Since the publication of “Limits to Growth” in 1972 (3), a growing public has gradually become more aware that this earth is not only is spatially limited. Their resources are finite, their life support systems can be overwhelmed, and our planet can accordingly also [...]
From the memory of water
"... Because wherever your sense of beauty cannot vibrate happily, the strictly conditioned harmony according to the law of creation is not there as it should be. And where harmony is missing, there is also no beauty. ”Abd-ru-shin (3-19-007) In the Grail World 19/2001, under the heading“ The fascinating element of life ”, Masaru Emoto's book“ The Message from [ ...]
By Johannes Huber (editor) Styria Verlag, Graz 2001, ISBN 3-222-12863-4. (Published in GralsWelt 22/2001) A team of authors that covers a wide spectrum from medicine to natural sciences to philosophy and theology has tackled one of the hot topics of our time: the question of ethics and morals in an era in which genetic engineering, Cloning, research with embryonic [...]
When the sun went out
By David Keys, Goldmann, Munich, 2002. (Published in GralsWelt 31/2004). If we deal with the past, then we find in the historiography above all king lists, political intrigues, wars, battles, conquests, tricks of strategists, etc. Relatively little can be learned about everyday life, and the influence of climatic fluctuations, epidemics or Natural disasters on historical developments will [...]
(Published in GralsWelt 25/2002) By John Anthony West, Zweiausendeins, Frankfurt 2000: Anyone who asks about the origin of Western culture will get an unequivocal answer from historians: Greece. This is where the first speculative thinkers were born, where philosophy, geometry, drama, architecture, sculpture reached the first climaxes that are still admired today. We judge Egyptian culture very differently. Longing […]