(Published in GralsWelt 58/2010) May 29, 1453 is an important date in European history. At that time the Turks conquered Constantinople and with this action cut off Europe from trade with Asia. Venice lost its leading position as the center of maritime trade. The Portuguese and Spaniards felt compelled to intensify their efforts, which the Turkish Empire [...]
Martin Luther and the Insurgent Peasants: A Critical Look at "Evangelical Freedom". (Published in Gralswelt 59/2010) At the turn of the 15th to the 16th century, the transition from the Middle Ages to the modern age [i], there were all sorts of tensions in the German Empire. The land was divided among more than a thousand princes and lords [ii] who pursued their own personal goals. [...]
The Asians will not take us into consideration An analysis of the “yellow danger” based on global economic developments over the past decades. Published in GralsWelt 59/2010. In April 1983 I traveled to (South) Korea for the first time for several weeks. My job was to set up a Korean bicycle tire factory with the development and construction of motorcycle tires, back then [...]
By Menzies, Gavin, Droemer, Munich, 2003. (Published in GralsWelt 57/2010) China's historiography mentions a sea expedition that led a Chinese fleet into the Indian Ocean under the command of the eunuch Zheng He. That was almost eight decades before the Portuguese (Vasco da Gama 1498) reached the Indian coast, and against the much larger, more numerous, [...]
(Published in Grail World Issue 3/1999) What can we expect from the turn of the millennium, which so many people are looking forward to with apprehension? Does the year 2000 mark nothing more than a round number to which we attach an unjustifiably high priority - or, as gloomy prophecies suggest, does the fate of mankind actually stand at this time [...]
Everything is possible
The utopia of the omnipotence of science (published in Grail World Issue 3/1999) The belief in the limitless possibilities of science and technology is perhaps the most important utopia that has shaped the 20th century. It has led to unexpected developments that hardly any people on earth could ignore, it has led to a triumph of the Western Christian [...]
Utopia and large-scale experiment “globalization” (Published in Grail World Issue 3/1999) Nobody likes to be cramped, hindered in their freedom of movement or even locked up. Freedom through open borders began to become a reality in the 20th century; Since then, the term “globalization” has also been on everyone's lips. It is about more than just the right of the individual [...]
The wrong approach of our economy (Published in GralsWelt Themenheft 3/1999) The boundless growth (not only) of the economy is seen as inevitable today. Thereby the striving for "more, more and more, even more" has become an end in itself, hardly anybody asks about the sense of this - in view of the limitedness of our ecosystem actually highly questionable - [...]
In the year 1710 - 300 years ago - the first edition of the "Theodicy that is, Trial of the Goodness of God, Freedom of Man and of the Origin of Evil" by Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (1646-1716) appeared in French in Amsterdam. Further editions followed, in German and several other languages. The extensive font, which in baroque style [...]
The hatred of the West
Wie sich die armen Völker gegen den wirtschaftlichen Weltkrieg wehren By Jean Ziegler, C. Bertelsmann, Munich, 2009, ISBN 978-3-570-01132-4, EUR 19.95 (original edition in French "La Haine de l'Occident", 2008). (Published in GralsWelt 56/2010) In GralsWelt we have already quoted the non-fiction author and globalization critic Jean Ziegler several times (e.g. in the box "Monetarism or [...]