(Published in GralsWelt 63/2011) Religious fanaticism, skepticism towards science, financial and economic crises: A look at the changing models shows where the roots of today's problems lie and why a rethink is urgently required. If we look back on European history, then the respective authoritative world and human images were created by authorities from [...]
The globalization hoax
(Published in GralsWelt 62/2010) A friend recently drew my attention to a shop for Chinese imported goods on the outskirts of Munich. The offer consisted of all kinds of bells and whistles, but also interesting products such as pocket knives, tools, electronics and optics. The most important buyers are not walk-in customers like me; because the little shop is also at [...]
Trip to the snake festival
(Published in GralsWelt 62/2010) Fairy tales, legends, myths, and fables often revolve around animals. These then serve as symbols, are related to human behavior, or are supposed to express the concerns or virtues of the bearer of the coat of arms as heraldic animals. Everyone sees e.g. in the lion a symbol for a ruler, knows the fox as sly and cunning, [...]
(Published in Grail World 61/2010) As in the “Disputation of Valladolid” less than 500 years ago it was argued about whether Indians have a soul and whether they play a role in Christ's plan of salvation. Anyone who has read Heinrich Heine may remember his ballad about a disputation in medieval Spain. In his inimitable way, Heine lets a rabbi [...]
(Published in GrailWorld 61/2010) Around the same time as Jesus lived in Alexandria a Jewish theologian and philosopher, whose works gained great importance for Christianity, while they remained of little influence on the development of Judaism: Philon of Alexandria (c. 13 B.C. - A.D. 50), who knew nothing of the life and work of Jesus [...]
Why still religions?
The value of religious thinking as an antipole to materialism (Published in Grail World 60/2010) We have reported in the Grail World on various occasions about modern endeavors that religions would like to abolish. From the scientist's point of view [i] some natural scientists stand in the way of the search for truth and - if they drift into violent fundamentalism - even endanger the survival of the [...]
Never work anymore?
(Published in GralsWelt 60/2010) Today's world of work, dominated by automation, presents our welfare state with the greatest challenges we have ever known. An inventory - and possible new ways for a decent life. I recently visited an automobile factory, where I myself had worked 35 years ago, to see how the people I once knew [...]
Weimar did not have to fail
(Published in GralsWelt 18/2001) Tensions are escalating At the Congress of Vienna in 1815, after Napoleon's defeat, European diplomats created a so-called balance of power, which was supposed to give the continent stable conditions and save wars. The unification of the German provinces into a common state (1871) and the subsequent rise of the German Empire to an important industrial nation disrupted this [...]
“The Master of the Seventh Seal” - just a historical novel or more? Published in Gralswelt 58/2010 The history of the world consists of an interplay of many forces, and it is not uncommon for apparent trivialities to be of paramount importance. This was also the case with the well-known naval battle between the great Spanish Armada and the English fleet in 1588. The English victory […]
Smart cells
By Bruce H. Lipton Ph.D., Koha, Burgrain, 2006. Published in GralsWelt 57/2010 The Analytical Method In the history of the natural sciences, the decisive advances in the application of analytical methods can be attributed to the 17th century. A problem is broken down into smaller and smallest components until each part is simplified so far that [...]