Economy and social affairs

The start of the 21st century

(Published in GralsWelt 41/2006) An attempt at an opening balance for the third millennium. “In the approaching era, struggles between cultures are the greatest threat to world peace, and a culture-based international order is the surest protection against a world war. The future of peace and civilization depends on political leaders and [...]

Book and film reviews

The SK principle

(Published in GralsWelt 36/2005) by Erich Visotschnig / Siegfried Schrotta Carl Ueberreuter, Vienna, 2005 When I came across this book for a review, I thought: “Again one of those advisors, which are sometimes very funny, occasionally even interesting ideas that can hardly be put into practice. "Then the surprise: I hold the book [...]

History of religion

A new major religion

(Published in GralsWelt 42/2007) Voodoo and Co. Various religions claim to be growing rapidly, while others - including Christianity in Europe - have to put up with withdrawals and loss of reputation. Perhaps the fastest growing religion, which in some countries is even in the process of pushing back Christianity, is hardly known to us: The mixing of African [...]

History of religion

From the origin of religions

(Published in GralsWelt 44/2007 page 66) Religious scholars assume that religions have accompanied cultural development since the beginning of human history. Religious feeling is therefore an essential part of the specifically human characteristics and is expressed, for example, in myths and rituals. Religiousness is also one of the basic human drives that shape societies and cultures. Religiousness therefore appears [...]

Book and film reviews

Honorary salvation for a misunderstood king?

(Published in GralsWelt 35/2005) Even those who hardly know Bavarian history can at least name the name of a King of Bavaria: Ludwig II, about whom there is always something new to tell. Before this article turns to this, a brief look at other rulers of the Bavarian Kingdom, whose short existence, compared to the long [...]

Book and film reviews

Apocalypse no!

(Published in GralsWelt 34/2004) By Bjorn Lomborg, to Klampen Verlag, Hamburg, 2002. Since the publication of “Limits to Growth” in 1972 (3), a growing public has gradually become more aware that this earth is not only is spatially limited. Their resources are finite, their life support systems can be overwhelmed, and our planet can accordingly also [...]

Book and film reviews

From the memory of water

"... Because wherever your sense of beauty cannot vibrate happily, the strictly conditioned harmony according to the law of creation is not there as it should be. And where harmony is missing, there is also no beauty. ”Abd-ru-shin (3-19-007) In the Grail World 19/2001, under the heading“ The fascinating element of life ”, Masaru Emoto's book“ The Message from [ ...]

Memorial Days


(Published in GralsWelt 35/2005) May 8, 2005 marks sixty years since the unconditional surrender of the German Wehrmacht and the most devastating defeat in German history(I). But the German trauma is far from over. Where do we stand today? A critical analysis. It was the second lost world war within a quarter of a century and, on top of that, the biggest war [...]


The second World War

Published in GralsWelt 20/2001 The two world wars of the 20th century must be viewed together. Without the First World War, without the unjust Peace Treaty of Versailles, there would not have been any Chancellor Adolf Hitler (1889–1945) or a major European war. Because Hitler's "program" was the correction of the Versailles Treaty. When this goal was achieved - [...]

Strange stories

The hatred of symbols

(Published in GralsWelt 24/2002) In March 2001, the media reported that despite strong protests from many, including Islamic countries, the gigantic Buddha statues of Bamian - the largest in the world - were blown up in Afghanistan. Allegedly it was radical Taliban who wanted to set an example in barbaric destructiveness for the unstoppable victory of their [...]