(Published in GralsWelt 19/2001) One of the most exciting events in history is the observation of how geniuses assert themselves even under unfavorable starting conditions and how they find their task, their calling. Often they get support from people who recognize the talent and help selflessly. There are many, not infrequently moving examples; here one as part of the series [...]
(Published in GralsWelt 19/2001). The First World War was a turning point for the Germans and their state, a break in their history that could hardly be overestimated. For centuries, this talented and hard-working people had to live in small states in many small states that had to bow to major powers. Only in the second half of the 19th century did the [...]
(Published in Grail World 15/2000) Ancient Chinese sagas tell of a “land of immortals”, far in the east, and even in the distant past, various groups went in search of this fairy-tale land. Some of these refugees or adventurers may have found the Japanese islands, which were neither the land of the immortals nor uninhabited. We put our [...]
Bible versus Darwin in America
(Published in GralsWelt 15/2000) In America many things are different, and in the "Land of the Free" many things can be argued for, which may seem absurd in our country; for example the dispute between Darwinists and Bible Christians believing in the letter of the law, which was thought to be over long ago. In the USA there is a group of "creationists", who convince us of the [...]
The enigmatic sage
(Published in GralsWelt 14/1999) Among the three great Asian founders of religion - Buddha, Confucius, Lao-Tse - one has received special attention in the Occident: Lao-Tse (Lao-zi, Lao Tan). The Taoteking (Dao-de-jing) attributed to him has been translated several times into European languages. No less a person than Martin Heidegger (1889- 1976) worked out a translation together with a Chinese, and Carl Gustav Jung [...]
An impact in 2039?
(Published in Grail World 14/2000) In Grail World No. 9 we reported under the heading “Death from Space” (here under “Science”) about the theoretical possibility of an impact, that is, the collision of our earth with a minor planet or comet . In May 1999 a message went through the media that the tiny planet NEO 1999AN10 of the earth [...]
(Published in GralsWelt 14/2000) Failed development aid, ruined communism: Does Islam hold belief in the future? After the end of the Second World War, the destroyed cities in Europe and in the Far East were rebuilt faster than expected. So began a time of hope: the world economy was developing, and everything seemed doable with technology and democracy. Because there was by no means [...]
(Published in Grail World 12/99) Hell and devil belong together in the popular understanding. Who (like the majority today, including theologians) no longer believes in the devil, there will probably be no hell for him either. In issue 11, GrailWelt editor Siegfried HAGL investigated the question of whether the idea of an "adversary of God" *) is really just [...]
(Published in GralsWelt 11/99) In our time, many people struggle with religions, with "religious truths" in particular. Too much abuse has been committed to religious sentiment. Large religious communities put themselves at the service of earthly rule ideologies and were not ashamed to tolerate blatant injustice and violations of self-taught values for the purpose of exercising their own power [...]
A master of the bizarre
(Published in GralsWelt 11/1999) There were and are many eccentrics on our planet who sometimes even make a name for themselves. One of the strangest among these outsiders is undoubtedly Charles Fort (1874-1932), who is so well known in the Anglo-Saxon-speaking world that two societies (the "Fortean Society" founded in New York in 1931 and the 1969 in Arlington, Virginia [...]